Business Tips for Leaders

Achieving Balance and Control: The Key to Effective Leadership

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | September 19, 2023

A key to effective leadership is the ability to maintain balance and Control.

To control or not to control, that is the question. When is appropriate? When do I push? When do I back off? When do I allow for capacity development, or when do I take over? These are fundamental questions for any leader in any organization. I firmly believe Control creates motivation for the committed team member. Strong leaders combine balance to the equation for optimized results, which is not easy.

Remember, motivation is internal, and inspiration is external.

Control is both a system, organizationally, and a skill, personally and professionally; it cannot be seen or heard, but everyone feels it. Therefore, I believe Control drives internal motivation when organizational culture is engaged and applied effectively.

Take Action:  Earn Control and Regain Balance

Imagine your entire organization feeling the same way about quality effective Control. Imagine the elevation in organizational morale,  productivity, and desired goals and outcomes if solidly applied, objective controls are in place, and functioning correctly. Think of the sound decision-making capability, lack of finger-pointing, not to mention less stress.

This concept does not have to be but a mere dream. You can build and earn sound control systems in your organization with your belief and effort. Yes, I said earn Control. You cannot demand it.

This illusive feeling of good Control does not happen because we wish it would. No, we must earn Control, just as we must earn success. These words 'reasonable Control' and 'success' are synonymous as far as I am concerned. But how then, does balance become the powerful force multiplier?

Define Your Personal Mission, Vision, and Values Statements

If you do not have a written personal Mission, Vision, and Values statement providing you with strategic course direction, you should begin one now. Without one, you are at a significant handicap and will never align your personal, professional, and organizational work-life balance journey. One cannot begin any journey without guidance; a GPS, a map, or a compass are helpful devices to keep on course when navigating.

Your personal Mission, Vision, and Values Statements are similar, and these thoughtful and well-crafted documents help keep you aligned on your Work-Life Balance journey and help you maintain healthy Control.

Gain Clarity on what you desire from Life, as well as Work

Understanding what you want is paramount for anyone through this life journey, especially a leader with organizational responsibilities. The clarity in understanding personal, professional, and organizational desires is significant in what work-life balance means to you. For each of us, this term means different things! This is key to your success. Define what work-life balance means to you.

By now, you know that you need to get busy to be in balance; one more thing to do, right? This effort in defining clarity for you is well worth the effort.

What is work-life balance by definition? I found these, and I like them very much:

Work-life balance is typically defined as the amount of time you spend doing your job versus the amount of time you spend with loved ones or pursuing personal interests and hobbies. When work demands more of your time or attention, you'll have less time to handle your other responsibilities or passions.

Jun 15, 2023 coursera



A good work-life balance: meeting your deadlines at work while still having time for friends and hobbies. Having enough time to sleep properly and eat well. Not worrying about work when you're at home.

Sep 21, 2021


Having clarity on the term work-life balance helps to do it intentionally better while being in reasonable Control. I have noticed that when this tricky subject of work-life balance gets out of Control, it happens so slowly I do not see it until something goes wrong and illuminates it.

By this, I mean a relationship gets unnecessarily strained, a project receives over or poor attention, I pop a fuse, I see I am eating poorly, and I am not myself. The clues are everywhere, but they are in my blind spots. These leaders are committed to the desired outcome. They are in and have Control. They do not give up on themselves or their teams. They do not get discouraged when the chips are down. They provide a positive vision for the team to rally behind.

Plot a Course for Success

Define Systems of Control

Sound Control-styled balanced leaders plot a course for success with their teams objectively and with the willingness to learn from mistakes and course correct. They set sail with the intention of being aware of tricky waters, navigating effectively, and enjoying the journey together. They craftily identify potential barriers and headwinds. These leaders gather necessary resources and attack with purpose and Control.

Sound Control-based balanced leaders are very self-aware and know when to do what. They eliminate self-limiting beliefs and work through difficult times. These leaders rest, Pivot, and continue moving forward with vigor, picking up Velocity along the way. They objectively collect data inputs, translate the data, Pivot and course correct, engage the team, and celebrate success all in a day's work.

Systems-based Control-styled, balanced leaders move with a positive mindset. They identify others on the team with shared positivity and engage them towards the intended direction, gaining mass.

Organizational culture resistant to change, data, written systems, objective reporting process, and desired results expectations will probably not gain valued success if they lack the appropriate mindset.

A lack of skill, knowledge, or desire to achieve the intended outcome consistently negatively affects sound Control Systems and organizational balance. This is not acceptable and non-negotiable. For good Control Systems to thrive, an organization must get and want it and have the capacity to achieve it personally, professionally, and organizationally.

Learn, Unlearn and Learn New

Additionally, everyone must be willing to unlearn what is not serving them well now. Maybe it did in the past but does not now. This is hard for many, and they must be willing to tune up and re-learn what is essential to thrust move velocity in this moment of updated controls. "I need more power, Scotty!". Finally, the team must accept that they do not know what they need to know and must learn new. Hard for many.

The Control-styled, balanced leader must identify, accept, and acquire the necessary resources to elevate and provide accountability to achieve results. The outstanding ones provide meaningful rewards along the way. They do this because they know it's the right thing to do.

Make the Choice

No square pegs in round holes; the right people do the right things at the right times to earn the right results. That is a Force Multiplier that builds reasonable Control and balance in any organization, and there is no magic pill.

A key to effective leadership is the ability to maintain balance and Control. As human beings, we are good at rationalizing almost anything to justify ourselves and our behaviors. Our motivation usually begins healthy, but the lines in the sand become windblown. The next we know, we are significantly out of balance and have lost Control.

If we are lucky, nothing overly challenging erupts, but we all know and wish we had a few do-overs. What are you doing to drive Control-based balanced leadership in your world personally, professionally, or organizationally? You know you need good controls, now develop, revise, and implement them.

Know when is when, and use good data to make better decisions. Your decisions as a leader drives the organizational action. Make it count!