Business Tips for Leaders

Are you your best self?  Apply Self Awareness in the Workplace

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | January 24, 2023

I have a question for you, are you your best self? Furthermore, are you your best self while at work?

You may ask, “What does that even mean?”

Personal development is a journey. We must excel personally, to excel professionally, and organizationally. It is a lot of work, and many shy from getting on it. Know there is no end point; this is a life-long personal journey.

Understand your-Self to gain self awareness

Let's dive deeper into what it even mean to know yourself.  The dictionary tells us that:


noun, plural selves  [selvz].

a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality: one's own self.

a person's nature, character, etc.:his better self.

personal interest.

This definition highlight the breadth of the sense of self:  there can be so many interpretations of who you are as an individual, what makes up your character, and what's important and interesting to you. 

To help make this daunting first step to achieving self-awareness easier we developed the JRCI Self-21. These 21 words are often associated with how one sees themself - whether at work or in their personal life:To be a successful leader in business, you must be able to understand yourself and how others perceive you.  Think this out:  how do you value and apply the JRCI Self-21 to your-Self?  

How we view these words internally has an effect on how we behave externally; add in everything else, and yikes, it can get interesting. A healthy view of these words will get you closer to success however you define it.  If your view is negative or not quite what you desire it to be, roll up your sleeves. It is time to go to work!

How we view these words internally has an effect on how we behave externally.

-Jeff Rogers, PBCA


I believe that everything we do somehow boils down to these 3 categories: internal, external, and everything else. All this said Self is an integral part of each. And together, it makes up this complicated human experience we call life.

Getting to know your Internal Self

The Internal-Self is the intentional blend combining emotion, or passion, cerebral knowledge, and taking action-behavior. I believe one can develop this into an intentional process. How we intentionally govern this process gets you closer to your desired success. Passion is a good thing when implemented properly. But overused passion can be a curse. Discipline and a positive mindset appear to be highly valuable to me.

As I pulled these words from the air in no methodical order, I began to understand my-self better and more clearly. When was the last time you were intentional about words reflective of you? Probably not often.

Internally: Please view these words on what they mean specifically to you from the inside. More on how these words add to your emotion. How do these words, when associated with Self, make you feel? Work each word and let it sit for a minute. This should have an impact if you do it correctly. Step away and come back to it if you must. A clear mindset is required for this exercise to be successful, no doubt.

JRCI Self-21
Awareness, Consciousness, Motivated, Obsessed, Opinionated, Defense, Esteem, Image, Justification, Care, Punishment, Deprecating, Defeating, Supporting, Driving, Inflicted, Taught, Limiting, Appointed, Made, Assured

Becoming aware of the External Self

The External Self is a learned process. This is how we project forward our internal thoughts and feelings about ourselves to others - in the workplace and in our personal lives.

No one wakes up one day with a eureka moment of the “Perfect External Self!” Instead, I maintain this is a slow, painful, evolving by trial and error process of wins and losses. It is more about the journey, and the development of skill as intentional effort is made improving self. Intentional is the key here, for sure. Most will not make an effort. They will never know that one degree makes all the difference.

Skillset-Self is developed with intentional effort and does not make perfect on this first attempt. This is the bumpy and painful process of self-skill development. Many may bump their knee, it hurts, and never continue their development. Further, this is a mindset. 

The mindset of whatever it takes to improve my-self. Applying our internal to the external self can be seamless or painful. This is where stress can be found. Again, this comes down to gap management. If there exists a significant difference between our internal view of self, and how we project self externally, welcome stress! Welcome to the imposter syndrome and all that comes with it. I believe you cannot fake it till you make it. I believe you gotta own it and do the work! When you do the heavy lifting, you own it and unite the internal with the external. The magic begins because passion exudes, and there is a natural human connection. No faking allowed, ever!

Gaining Awareness of Everything Else

Everything Else is where all of it ties together with the universe. As human beings, we are a complicated bunch, I tell you! Often, even the best of us fail to get out of our own way. We pack our backpacks along the way with enough false clutter of what does not matter to stock a superstore! 

We all know this to be true. Therefore, the everything else category can be derailed if we are not on our game.  Understanding why we do or do not do what we know is of high value. To study human behavior, self-limiting beliefs, the comfort zone, and the process of learning all contribute to your success. To get it is only the beginning here. To implement what you know is where the rubber meets the road. The truth is few well-intentioned humans implement what they know. 

The question now becomes what combination is right for you individually. What is right for your-self? The truth begins with that; that is the question. 

I believe many become overwhelmed and do not engage in self-exploration as the valuable personal and professional tool it can become. 

Add to that the potential painful truth which may become exposed, and back in the shell we go! 

As you continue your self-Journey, I believe a journal will be helpful Document your thoughts and emotions in the journal. I maintain “How you feel” is far more valuable than “what you know.” I say this because if you do not feel good about what you have learned and know, you will not implement it. Internal combined with the external, add to that everything else, well, you get the idea! That said, developing high emotional intelligence is critical for success in the development of self

Apply your self-awareness at home and at work

It requires a brave person to identify and deal appropriately with potentially unflattering knowledge, then push through it.

This exact moment is where most weaker individuals fail. Not you, though; you are in quest of the one degree! That one increment that separates you from all others. You are willing to do the work others are not.

Are you up to the journey? Sure, you are; it is a bumpy road, so get mentally and emotionally prepared. Lose a defensive posture, and get ready for clarity and appropriate change to enter your world! Get to it, and improve your-self!