In the hustle-up, give it to me yesterday, just in time delivery society we live in today; Empathy gets lost at home and work. On one hand, I understand why, and sometimes get caught in this trap myself. But when I am on my game, using the skill of Empathy is a game changer in meeting people where they are, earning trust and commitment, engaging the team, collaborating effectively, and earning desired outcomes and results!
So, what is Empathy? An often misunderstood word. Sometimes, it is confused with sympathy. Some leaders believe Empathy, in some way, means diminishing results or lowering expectations.
1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Oxford Languages Dictionary
Please understand that effectively utilizing Empathy will elevate results and deliverables that exceed expectations, not hinder.
"When we put ourselves in other peoples shoes, we build stronger relationships and reduce unnecessary conflict at home and work."
- Jeff Rogers, CPMBC
Understanding the perspectives of others around us, as leaders, allows us to influence and eliminate blind spots more effectively. On paper, this seems to make sense and appears effortless to apply. But, it is not; if it were, everyone would be Empathetic, and they are not.
I believe Empathy is a learned skill, and it comes naturally to some and more intentionally to others.
Further, to be an effective leader, it is essential to master the skill of showing empathy while providing direction, even in challenging or inconvenient situations.
Empathy is vital to society because it helps people connect while building strong cultures and communities. When we put ourselves in other peoples shoes, we build stronger relationships and reduce unnecessary conflict at home and work.
By building the skill of Empathy as a leader, you will improve your communication and patience, enhance performance, foster creativity and innovation, drive collaboration, elevate self-confidence, earn commitment, prevent burnout, negotiate better, earn trust, and achieve results. I could go on, but you get the idea.
Here is why Empathy matters more at home and work than we think. What will you do next to enhance your Empathy skills?