Business Tips for Leaders

From Dreams to Reality: Using Written Personal Vision to Achieve Your Goals

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | December 2, 2022

Have you ever felt lost or unsure of what you want to achieve in life? Defining your vision for the future can help bring clarity and direction.

Something magical happens when the pen hits paper, defining Vision. Clarity is found and connects with the universe. Somehow the universe works in your favor, and you begin to attract the very things you desire.

Written Vision leads to the actual present and your ideal future."

Jeffrey A. Rogers, CPMBC


Risks of Creating a Personal Vision

However, there is a risk in putting your vision into words. It can make you feel vulnerable, foolish, and afraid of failure. These feelings are driven by self-doubt and the belief that you cannot achieve your vision. 

What if we fail and make a fool of ourselves? Well I say, who the #&*$ cares?! We creatively pivot and keep the ball moving.  Action drives momentum. 

It's important to remember that if you don't take the time to extract your vision of your ideal future from within, you're playing too short of a game.

The actual risk is not defining a vision of your ideal future. If self-limiting beliefs prevail and prevent the future we desire, I ask, "What is this precious life we live all about?".   

If you are living without a personal mission; vision of the future; or how you intend to behave; how can you make decisions? How will you plot your course? Life's winds change direction from time to time, but when you take the time to plot your course, you have a course to stay on. This increases your chances of success and is the magic moment that can set you on the path to your ideal future.

The scary part of plotting your course and defining your Vision is failing. The thing is, when you take the time to plot your course, you have a course to stay on. This by itself ups your odds for success. Crazy right?

Take Charge To Achieve Your Personal Vision

You must do the work to earn your "ideal future". You must do what others are unwilling to do to earn your desired future. 

For some reason, we often allow others to dictate how we are to do what we do. Why? Because we might lack vision, that is why. Because we may lack the operative mindset necessary to acquire the future we desire. This is all fixable with effort. Play the long game and get there with intention. 

In order to do this, one must take charge and make the right decisions and actions at the right times to earn the right results. It is not by chance we get what we get in the present. It is based on choices and decisions. Some we control, some we cannot....Take charge of what you can influence and control. Do not waste your time and energy with what you cannot influence or control. These matters only distract you and stray you from your plotted course.

Simplify here to this idea:

If the action does not get you closer to your "ideal Future", it is straying you away from it."

Wave the Magic Wand

The magic wand is about removing barriers, being creative, driving the vision, and creating impact.

Remember that your moment is just the moment. Vision is about the long haul, even beyond your time on this planet. What do you want your legacy to be? Craft your vision now, in great detail, and make it big and intentional. It's never too late to start, and your ideal future is waiting for you to take charge of it.

I bet you can!