Business Tips for Leaders

Unlocking Success: Empower Your Employees and Reclaim Your Time!

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | September 5, 2023

Do you find yourself consistently overwhelmed with work and wishing you had more time for your loved ones? Many business owners, executives, and leaders can relate to this struggle. But what if there was a way to empower your employees so that you don't have to be the sole problem-solver in your organization?

Imagine a scenario where you can take a vacation without worrying about every little detail in your business. It may seem impossible, but it's not. By giving your team the trust and autonomy to solve problems on their own, you can free up your time to focus on the bigger picture.

Empower your team

Release the reigns

Often, I see that these overworked leaders have a fear that things may not go "the way they should"... therefore they stop trusting the team. Sound familiar? I bet it does; and, you're not alone. However, by holding on to this fear, you're not only limiting your own success, but also hindering the growth of your entire organization and the dedicated individuals working in it. 

There is a better way.  By enabling, permitting, or authorizing employees to solve problems that the business owner typically solves, you free yourself to work on the business and not in it. 

Be honest with your team

In order to truly empower your employees, it's important to be honest with everyone involved. Transparency is key. Whether it's customers, teams, or vendors, they all deserve to know the truth. Keeping them in the loop and involving them in the decision-making process can actually reduce anxiety and stress, rather than exacerbating it.

“Be honest with everyone: your employees, your customers, and yourself.”

-Jeff Rogers, CPMBC


If you do not feel you can tell customers, teams, and vendors the truth, you will lose their respect and trust. All stakeholders deserve your truthfulness at all times…no matter what.

Be honest with yourself

Some business owners/executives believe by being dishonest about lousy business news, they are sparing their employees from anxiety and stress.  Not so.  By keeping secrets, you are limiting the ability for your team to help identify and solve problems.  Many times it is fear that is holding you back from sharing bad news, rather than making sound business decisions.

Therefore, it's important to know yourself and how your react in different scenarios, as well as your strengths and weaknesses.

Physical Intelligence – I know how my physical health affects my mental health and behavior. I intentionally work to get good sleep, nutrition, and regular physical exercise.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – I am consistently aware of my feelings. Most importantly, I understand how my sense affects my behavior and verbal communication. I always work to enjoy a positive relationship with my thoughts, self-talk, and emotions.

To learn more about your own strengths and weaknesses, try filling in our SWOTT analysis.

Hold your team accountable

Another important aspect of empowerment is understanding the boundaries and expectations of each team member. Clearly defining responsibilities and holding everyone accountable is crucial for driving proper action and achieving the best results.

Educating team members on responsibilities and accountability will help them know the boundaries in which to operate. From there, they are allowed to work for the benefit of the business. To empower the team is to trust the team. Without trust, there is no commitment and no best results. But to trust, measure, monitor, and expect only the best results drives proper action.

Enable your team with Trust and Accountability 

While it may sound simple in theory, putting these practices into action is not always easy. It requires the right people, the right mindset, and a commitment to ongoing training and development. 

This takes tenacity and a lot of guts. This takes team training regularly with accountability. Rewarding the right behavior and not tolerating anything else.  But the payoff is worth it - a more efficient and successful business, and more time for you to enjoy the things that matter most.

Ready to learn more? Discover 9 Empowerment Best Practices to better empower and enable your team.