Business Tips for Leaders

The Power of Reputation Management in Small Business

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | January 30, 2024

Self-awareness is required in Leadership. Reputation is a prerequisite to effective Leadership. Reputation is everyone's responsibility!

It is the leader's job to ensure that Reputation is managed effectively! But make no mistakes, it is everyone's job to maintain and elevate organizational Reputation. Trust, performance, and engagement are critical for a strong Organizational Reputation.

Reputation is a long-term word. One must have a vision of what one desires to be known for and work towards it in the good, bad, and in between times. There will be bumps, bruises, and damaged egos along the journey. Reputation is built by a demonstrated long-term body of work, personally, professionally, and organizationally!

Tools to Build a Positive Reputation for Your Organization

A personal reputation is the foundation for strong relationships, career development, trust, and happiness. It is hard and intentional work. It is about doing what is right, even when no one is looking. A strong personal reputation requires a mindset of continuous learning, which is non-negotiable. An organizational reputation is built upon the same foundational elements - let's take a look here:

JRCI 8 Organizational Reputation Deliverables


Clarify and Support Organizational Mission-Vision-Values


Communicate Effectively within all levels on the Flowchart


Build Adaptability and Innovation into the Organizational Culture


Regularly demonstrate Appreciation and Recognition for the Team


Provide Regular Feedback to all Team Members, driving goals


Ensure congruent and aligned Leadership within the ranks


Develop Relationships outside the work environment


Provide Clear Team Development Skill Building Opportunity

From a leadership perspective, there are a few outstanding systems to effectively engage a strong positive organizational culture and reputation.

Culture and Reputation are aligned and parallel in this discussion. Outlined deliverables are provided as a tool for you to put your words into action, hence supporting your Reputation as a leader who actually does what is talked about. There is nothing worse to damage a Reputation than talking about but not doing it!

"Nothing is worse to damage a Reputation than talking but not doing it!"

- Jeffrey A. Rogers, CPMBC:


Diving Into the Reputation-Building Deliverables

As you utilize this simple tool, you will build trust in your organization. Wherever I go, in any industry, and in any size organization, organizational mission, vision, and values are at the core of any organization.

Yet, many organizations have outdated, or worse yet, non-existent, Mission, Vision, and Values Statements. Without these simple fundamentals, how can any leadership team rally and organization inspire positive action and goal-hitting behaviors? It is long-term impossible.

I hear, " those ideas are for more prominent companies", or "I do not have enough time for that mumbo-jumbo stuff." They play wack-a-mole year after year and wonder why they are not getting anywhere.

At JRCI, we talk about solid communication at all levels to drive success! This could not be more important than building trust and a positive organizational reputation internally and externally.

The idea that happy employees create happy customers could not be more accurate. Yet, very often, the organization mantra we at JRCI see is that of the customer first! 

Aligned Leadership is essential for a positive organizational Reputation. Leadership must first value the team to elevate engagement. Building relationships internally is the foundation for strong external relationships to flourish. Only a solid internal organizational Reputation can drive a robust external Reputation.

Appreciation and Recognition must be earned. Otherwise, it is laughable. Not everyone gets a trophy for showing up!

Strong Organizational culture and Reputation are earned on a foundation of candid and respectful behaviors.

"Not everyone gets a trophy for showing up!"

- Jeffrey A. Rogers, CPMBC


A consistent, honest, actionable feedback loop for all employees and teams is the only way to elevate performance. Of course, without a strong MVV, a set of overall organizational and departmental goals, one has to provide meaningful feedback in the first place. Otherwise, it is all based on emotions, opinions, and judgments, probably based on likability, not good supportive data. It is not a good way to lead any organization, any time, anywhere, ever. I believe the point was made. 

How to Build Your Reputation as a Small Business?

One must provide clear development and skillset training opportunities to build performance, trust, and engagement.

Doing so will also intrinsically communicate to the individual team members that they are valued and worthy of investment! Let your behavior demonstrate your words and build capacity, depth, and well-being in your workplace with good skill set development plans and training.

Demonstrating commitment, building trust, improving engagement and performance can also be accomplished outside of work. Invest in team-building activities and events to support interpersonal relationships outside of work. 

People naturally will bond better if they feel included and of value. There is no better way than to organize community or charitable activities to foster relationships internally and externally. Everyone wins!

I have observed the compound effect in life; it could not be any stronger than with Reputation. There is a Force-Multiplying effect with it!

The principles applied to Reputation personally are magnified professionally. Not only are happiness and a strong sense of well-being identified, but financial and economic benefits are added to the equation. There are financial rewards as an outcome of a positive Reputation. But that's not the reason to earn one!

Self-awareness is essential in Leadership. Reputation is a prerequisite to effective Leadership. Reputation is everyone's responsibility! It is the leader's job to ensure that Reputation is managed effectively but make no mistake; it is everyone's job to maintain and elevate organizational Reputation.

To intentionally monitor and drive a strong positive organizational Reputation takes real effort. The reward is well worth the investment. Interestingly, it does not cost much in treasure, mostly in your time - but it's Time well spent. A resource worth investing in, personally, professionally, and organizationally!