Business Tips for Leaders

The Secrets to Success in Business

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | February 27, 2024

Recently I had a conversation with a client that made me stop and think about my own performance and attitude. Our conversation centered on why some people seem so much more successful than others do. More importantly, why are some more successful than others? After all, we all have 24 hour, 7 day weeks right?

It became clear to me very quickly, some did what others were simply unable or unwilling to do! More over, the ones who were held accountable – grew by leaps and bounds. Why you ask… because they were coached and held to a higher standard! They were able to set goals and maximize their output without getting burnt out. 

What we discussed was a few simple character traits that seemed to contribute to their overall success:

Character Traits that Foster Success

A Sense of Urgency

The first character trait is a sense of urgency. They possess a relentless drive towards their goals, fueled by an unwavering sense of urgency that set them apart. This sense of urgency is like a fire burning within them, propelling them forward with a laser-like focus on their objectives. It is more than just not accepting NO for an answer, it is passion for the best. 

Belief in a Vision

These people have a strong internal vision. It is something that drives them to be their best at all times no matter what. This vision is not rooted in fear, but rather in a deep-seated belief and faith that things will fall into place. They have the confidence to trust in the process and know that their hard work and dedication will ultimately lead them to success. This unwavering faith in their vision is what sets them apart and drives them to achieve greatness.

Passion for the Work

These people also seem to posses a compulsive drive , they have passion. They see their goal – their vision, as a sense of what can be achieved. They are so focused and committed to the goal that it seems they will let nothing stop, hinder or interfere with their desired outcome. They work with the end in mind. Truth is they are so committed to achieving the goal they see nothing else.


Having fun while doing business is good. After working hard, they take time to look after themselves, enjoy life and have some fun. It is a sign of good mental health and indicates balance.  

A Drive to Finish

Anyone can start well or sprint. These most successful individuals, though, exhibit unwavering commitment. The outward perception of perfectionism is, in fact, an inherent drive to bring projects to a comprehensive and successful closure, signifying a dedication to excellence.

"The emphasis is not solely on advancing well or achieving momentary success but on enduring commitment throughout!"

- Jeff Rogers, CPMBC


The emphasis is not solely on advancing well or achieving momentary success but on enduring commitment throughout! In essence, these people finish what they start. They leave nothing left undone. They have endurance. They might appear to be perfectionists – actually they just want to finish what they started. And finish it well!

Seek Out Support Systems

To summarize, these individuals have purpose and priority. The difference between success and failure is often just a short distance away – the finish line! When you run a race, why quit 100 yards from the finish line? The truth is you need endurance to finish the race. And sometimes, all you might need is a little encouragement to finish well.

Surround yourself with driven, focused and passionate people. Ask them to mentor, coach and keep you accountable. Because, you are going to work hard and put in the time – why not maximize the results!?