Business Tips for Leaders

The Power of Effective Communication in Decision Making

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | March 17, 2023

Communication! Communication is very personal.  How we effectively communicate with others matters on many levels.  In the end, being an effective communicator is the goal.  To outwardly convey a message received as intended, with desired awareness or action taken.  In a nutshell, there it is.

That all sounds simple on paper, and it is until you add people to the equation.  Now, communication gets complicated.  Here, assumption creeps in, and unintended emotion gets in the way of communication's outer and receiving sides.  Poor self-awareness skills become more apparent, and our social-awareness skills are made more public, both good and bad.

When making decisions, managers should consider emotion and tone, as well as the ability to identify resistance, emotion, and objection in advance. This skill requires courage and the willingness to reframe assumptions that may be at the root of pushback. It is important to maintain composure, find common ground, and remain committed to the desired outcome. Additionally, setting the score upfront and holding all accountable is essential for fair and respectful communication as it relates to leadership. Effective communication requires stepping outside of one's comfort zone and continually building communication muscles to adapt to never-ending challenges. As an action step, managers can write out what they will do differently to enhance their very best communication on a separate sheet of paper.

The JRCI Communication Magnificent-7

1.  Communication Mindset

2.  Keep your Composure

3.  Active Listening

4.  Self-Awareness and Method

5.  The Clarity in Delivery for Trust  

6.  Manage Difficult Communications

7.  Expectations and Deliverables

Assumption develops because you did not align the appropriate method of communication with the message.  Plain and simple.  Oh, but you were so busy, you say.  I get it, but you wasted more time moping up the mess than if you had correctly engaged upfront.  Add to that the relationship damage that may have occurred.  Make sure the medium matches the desired outcome.  Not all mediums are created equally.

 Assumption is the root of all communication evil!

Jeffrey A. Rogers, CPMBC 


Emotion and tone are to be aware of.  Your skilled ability to identify resistance, emotion, and objection in advance separates the one-degree communicator from the rest.  Make no mistake.  This is a skill.  More importantly, addressing this requires courage.  The courage many lack.  Here, many factual, cultural, and organizational assumptions could be made at the pushback's root.  Allow yourself to get centered and communicate effectively.  Disagree neutrally and find common ground.  Maintain composure and remain committed to the desired outcome.  To reframe is your friend.

To set the score upfront is to treat everyone fairly, respectfully, and with candor.  To hold all accountable is where the rubber meets the road in communication as it relates to leadership. 

For effective communication to be our friend, we must definitely exit our comfort zone.  The best communication is a moving target, and we never arrive.  I say this because there will always be new methods to communicate, and the needs of others are always changing.  Therefore, continually building communication muscles is the only way to adapt and pivot to never-ending communication challenges.  There will be challenges.  To mentally, emotionally, and physically prepare yourself for daily best communications in one degree.  As an action step, on another sheet of paper: Write out what you will do differently to enhance your very best communication.