Business Tips for Leaders

Why be Innovative Anyway? ...It is a Benefits Thing!

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | April 12, 2022

I do not know about you, but I do not like being or feeling stuck! However, I do find myself from time to time in a stagnate state. Stagnate in mindset and action. I believe this to be a function of lack of discipline and inattention to results. Or just being human. You must add poor habit creep there to the equation as well come to think about it.

Environment Required for Creative Abrasion to Exist

  • Trustful management, not over-control.
  • Open communication.
  • Contact outside the organization.
  • Variety of personalities.
  • Willing to accept change.
  • Enjoy experimenting with new ideas.
  • Do not fear mistakes.
  • Rewards based on performance.
  • Techniques that encourage ideas (brainstorming).
  • Provide resources to accomplish goals.

These are the elevated types of mindsets and behaviors that drive innovation in our world. Without this process, you cannot implement this next critical performance skill.

Innovative Performance is critical for sustainability. I have outlined the value of strategy and tactics here with performance, but there can be a trap. To implement with rigidity can be that trap. But you ask, “Then why bother with all this planning? Why not just go do something?”

Strategic planning provides the thoughtful information necessary for this vital next piece to the best performance.

Innovation and creativity are key to maintaining momentum and one degree. This thoughtful thinking process is where your internal confidence, gut feelings, and decision-making come from. In this process, you think through many scenarios and prepare yourself personally, professionally, and organizationally for unexpected and unintended situations.

Innovation, creativity, and the Art of the Pivot are necessary skillsets you must have now. Not the panic pivot, throw it at the wall and see what sticks pivot either. No, I mean the quality, high performance-based, thoughtful implementation of innovation and creativity when necessary, and with discipline. As a supervisor and manager, executive, or owner, you often are faced with critical in-the-moment decisions. As are your teams. Set you and them up for success.

How do you align with this idea? Are you mailing it in? OR Are you working diligently every day to innovate and improve the world you live in?

Think about that for it a little bit…then, get on it!