Business Tips for Leaders

Why be Innovative? To Relieve Stress at Work.

Written by Jeff Rogers, CPMBC | September 26, 2023

How does innovation relieve stress at work? Great question, in order to answer that, we must start by understanding the concept of innovation a bit better.  When we say the word “Innovation,” it can be a bit scary.... in there is the idea of more work, the unknown, and risk. All of which are ideas many FEAR:  False Expectations Appearing Real.  #stress

Yet we know to be relevant in the world of tomorrow, we must innovate. But like anything, “If it is not broken, why fix it?” This is the quandary.

This is where discipline, creativity, talent, trust, awareness of the future, performance, understanding of self, and reflection play significant roles. Along with your ability to pivot. These concepts when applied properly personally, professionally, and organizationally, will work to relieve stress across the board.

So let's dive into the word Innovation itself. I have included a basic idea here for us to base the discussion around:

    1. the action or process of innovating.
    2. Transformation, new methods, unconventionality, a break with tradition, a shake up
"innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization"

Even with this definition in mind, it is still important to dive deeper into how innovation can actually help alleviate stress. While most of us recognize the importance and benefits of innovation, it is often challenging to put that understanding into action. This is something that I have noticed in my work with clients - the gap between comprehension and implementation.

Why does this gap exist?  Well, I maintain it is the weeds taking over. Being in the weeds is stressful because as leaders, we know we ought not be in the weeds at all. We, as leaders, often allow ourselves to become dragged down into the weeds of the day to day, time slips away, and we become overwhelmed. We get stressed, and out of balance. We trust the day-to-day, after all, “This is what we do, and it works, right? Why change it up now? 

“If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”

We can allow ourselves to believe this nonsense. We think we can get to adjustments later on, and later never comes.  If this sounds like you…listen up!  We must break this cycle.

Why Innovation Now is Important

My big idea:  If we do not break it now, on our own terms and make it better, someone else will and leave us in the dust. It is that simple. If we are not working very hard everyday to better serve the company, team, and customer we will lose the game in the end. This is stress. Let’s not do this anymore.

If we do not break it now, on our own terms and make it better, someone else will and leave us in the dust.

-Jeff Rogers, CMPBC 


I do not know about you, but I do not like being or feeling stuck! To me, that is stressful. However, I do find myself from time to time in a stagnate state. Stagnate in mindset and action. I believe this to be a function of lack of discipline and inattention to results. Or just being human... You must add poor habit creep to the equation as well, come to think about it.

My point here is from a personal standpoint, to be innovative might seem to be fake or not being yourself. But to be the same person 5 years from now does not seem to smart either. To be authentically innovative from a personal standpoint sounds much better. Here is where personal growth mindset is required. Here is leaving the comfort zone behind. It is natural to assume, with a growth mindset, we aspire to morph or transform. When this idea migrates into our personal belief and behavior system, innovation becomes natural and we reduce stress levels with action.

I have learned things will not be just fine if I take no action and do not work to improve myself. How about you? Therefore, to be intentionally and personally innovative is crucial behavior for success. Success no matter how you define it.

In the professional sense, innovative matters become far more clearly defined. If we choose to earn more income, or earn more responsibility, we must become innovative and grow professionally. Somehow in the professional sense that makes sense! But there is a trap here too.

The Value of Innovation

Innovation, for the sake of innovation, has no value to anyone. In fact, I maintain that effort depletes resources and works against sustainability. It elevates unnecessary stress. So, what is the required element for innovative success you ask? Understanding your desired outcome, what is the purpose and goal of the exercise? Without your clarity here, you are simply wasting your time.

Further, applying a matrix of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to allow for your in-the-moment awareness of direction will drive you closer and faster to your innovative success. Hence reducing your and your team’s stress levels. To intentionally make a change when everything in the moment seems fine requires foresight, courage, and awareness.

🔮Foresight in the predictability of change and evolution is required for self-confidence and works to reduce stress levels.

🦁Courage is the action derived from tenacity and grit to step into the unknown and do something.

📊Finally, awareness in the assessment of mindset, current skills, and knowledge, as compared to the required skills and knowledge to be successful, is necessary.

That is a lot to wrap your brain and ability around.

Innovation in the Workplace

Organizational innovation requires another level of awareness altogether. This evolution is about the above-listed requirements plus so much more. To make the shift from a stuck and stagnate culture to one of fearless change is difficult. Many give up at the thought of the idea. But those who engage in a culture of organizational innovation win the game every time. They reduce stress by controlling the outcome with innovation. They are agile and willing to shift on a dime. They pivot and have vision. How can they do this, you ask?

The answer is with a lot of arduous work!

To shift to organizational innovation, you must be willing to reset the deck. This is an intimidating ask for many, especially established leaders and organizations. Established organizations are steep in tradition, and this is how we do things around here mentality. This stagnation breeds stress, knowing we are falling behind. Especially if they are industry or area leaders in their industry, they fear by changing or innovating, they may lose their competitive edge.

They fail to see the writing on the wall, and their competitors seek innovative ways to de-thrown them in the industry daily. If that thought does not get your attention, then what will? This is stressful stuff! Innovation requires an environment of creativity and creative abrasion.

Environment Required for Creative Abrasion to Exist:

  • Trustful management, not over-control.
  • Open communication.
  • Contact outside the organization.
  • Variety of personalities.
  • Willing to accept change.
  • Enjoy experimenting with new ideas.
  • Do not fear mistakes.
  • Rewards based on performance.
  • Techniques that encourage ideas (brainstorming).
  • Provide resources to accomplish goals.

Reduce Stress at Work

How does innovation relieve stress at work? By starting with the above, you will begin your journey, build your culture of innovation, and reduce stress levels personally, professionally, and organizationally. Without innovation, there would be no air travel, wireless communications, man on the moon, or popsicles. The simple things to the complex are a result of someone saying, “Why is this being done this way? How can we do it better? And What if?” Innovation provides a sense of purpose and reduces stress providing meaning to what we do.

These are mindsets and behaviors that drive innovation in our world. In your world, this is not for others, this is for you. How do you align with this idea? Are you mailing it in? OR are you working diligently every day to innovate and improve the world you live in? Think about that for a little bit… Then get on it! List what you will do to innovate and thrive, while reducing stress in your world.