Business Tip Tuesday πŸš€

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

Building a Comprehensive Strategy for Team Alignment and Success in the Workplace

Building a Comprehensive Strategy for Team Alignment and Success in the Workplace

Leading any organization of any size can be a difficult endeavor. Leadership in itself is subject to interpretation and variance by its very nature, but only if we allow it, and that becomes a choice. 

I have written much on leadership style and bedrock principles.  I have learned along the way and often speak to the idea:  business systems do the heavy lifting and leaders lead people. I believe that to be very true. I am also very big on systems and accountability. 

Below is my idea of what can happen when you lead with systems. It’s funny how people behave when they can visualize and get behind your vision. 

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Is Your Patient Experience Really What You Think?

Is Your Patient Experience Really What You Think?

It is very nice to believe we all work hard to create the best Patient Experience we can in our office everyday right?  We train our teams on how best to interact with our patients.  We train our staff on the details of every discipline.  We even send out a survey to attain valuable β€œfeedback” from time to time.  But is it working?  Do these efforts really provide us the results we strive for?

Better yet, what are we actively and intentionally doing to create the β€œBest” patient experience we can create every day?  Are we innovative?  It’s hard work!

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