Business Tip Tuesday πŸš€

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

Is work ethic a skill?

Is Work Ethic a Skill?

Work ethic is an essential component of individual character, and it reflects the dedication, integrity, and discipline of an individual towards his/her work. It is a set of moral principles that govern an individual's work performance, and it is often associated with hard work and its intrinsic value.

In that sense, work ethic itself is not necessarily a skill, however, the idea of work ethic extends beyond just hard work; it includes working smart, being effective, utilizing time well, and finding joy in work.  And these are certainly skills you can train and improve upon.

In this blog, we explore many facets of a person's work ethic, using the framing method of shoulda, woulda, and coulda, to examine how it affects individuals, organizations, and society.  We discuss skills you can train to grow your own work ethic, but also better understand how your work ethic and character were shaped.

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self awareness in the workplace

Are you your best self?  Apply Self Awareness in the Workplace

I have a question for you, are you your best self? Furthermore, are you your best self while at work?

You may ask, β€œWhat does that even mean?”

Personal development is a journey. We must excel personally, to excel professionally, and organizationally. It is a lot of work, and many shy from getting on it. Know there is no end point; this is a life-long personal journey.

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