Business Tip Tuesday πŸš€

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

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The Power of Empowered Teams: Unlocking Sustainable Business Growth

How do you empower your team to act in the organization's best interest?

Delegation is the magic sauce for any organization. It enables new leaders to emerge, promotes sustainability and scalability, builds capacity, and encourages cross-training. To make sure your teams are empowered and set up for success, there are several methods you can use.

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Eliminate β€˜Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda’:  Unlock Business and Personal Growth


Throughout my journey, I've come to understand the concept of "coulda, shoulda, and woulda," and I'm certain you have too. Have you ever caught yourself uttering these words?

"If only I could do this, I really should be doing that, I would do it if only…blah, blah, blah!"

It can be overwhelming if you allow it to consume you. What's more, it can be intensified if you label yourself as lacking creativity on one end of the spectrum, or overly creative on the other end, struggling to bring it all together. The truth is, we all have our challenges to face.

But remember, you are not alone in this.

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Team Engagement: Dynamic Leadership Styles

We hear the word engagement used in the business context all too often of late. A buzz word no doubt, but this word is the real deal. Engagement is what makes everything else fall into place, or it doesn't. It's the point where the rubber meets the road, determining whether you'll gain traction and achieve results or end up wasting time and effort. A common question I often hear is...

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Benefits of collaboration in the Workplace: Unlocking Success

Fostering a culture of collaboration is crucial for cultivating robust workplace relationships.  Many people could collaborate better with their team, partners, and employees -- they simply lack the intentional focus to do so.  I aim to highlight why collaboration is so critical today, and why you should focus on building a culture of collaboration across your organization.

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managing your blind spots

Mastering Personal Effectiveness: Removing Blind Spots in Communication and Leadership

Maximizing personal effectiveness is a crucial skill, but blind spots can often hinder your progress. Beware the impact of your blind spots--they can decrease your effectiveness and damage your work relationships, whether you're a business owner, executive, manager, or frontline worker. The good news is that you can learn how to identify and eliminate these blind spots, for yourself and others.

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Quick tips to get over your FEAR of Public Speaking

Tips for Public Speaking

The fear of public speaking is overrated. 

I hate to break it to you, but this fear does not even rank on the top 10 fears in the modern world.  This surprised me as well as I researched for this piece.  Instead,  things like spiders, snakes, dogs, not being good enough, risk, failure, rejection, all rank - but not public speaking.  In the modern functioning business world public speaking skills are essential for success for any business leader.

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why is active listening so important in the workplace

Mastering Active Listening in the Workplace: A Key Skill for Professional Development

Active Listening in the workplace (and the rest of life) does not come naturally for many--myself included, and I lead this group! Those who master this skill build better relationships, find more meaningful clarity, achieve goals, maximize potential, and develop superior problem-solving skills. For these reasons alone, and there are several more, we as leaders must enhance our listening skills.

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