Business Tip Tuesday 🚀

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

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How to Create a Simple Yet Effective Strategic Plan for Your Small Business

A Simple Strategic Plan is YOUR roadmap for success. The question is: Are you using a GPS or are you driving the back roads? A thoughtful Strategic Plan provides clear direction. Running a business without one leads to unnecessary struggle!

So what is your strategic plan for your small business this year? 

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Embracing Innovation: Overcoming the Intimidation Factor of Business Growth

The word innovation itself can be intimidating to many.  The word represents change, and change is something many of us do not like.  This resistance to change can be for many reasons.

As human beings, we appreciate predictability and the ability to proceed without added stress, difficulty and conflict.  We will do almost anything to avoid conflict, necessary or not.

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Team Engagement: Dynamic Leadership Styles

We hear the word engagement used in the business context all too often of late. A buzz word no doubt, but this word is the real deal. Engagement is what makes everything else fall into place, or it doesn't. It's the point where the rubber meets the road, determining whether you'll gain traction and achieve results or end up wasting time and effort. A common question I often hear is...

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The Power of Reputation Management in Small Business

Self-awareness is required in Leadership. Reputation is a prerequisite to effective Leadership. Reputation is everyone's responsibility!

It is the leader's job to ensure that Reputation is managed effectively! But make no mistakes, it is everyone's job to maintain and elevate organizational Reputation. Trust, performance, and engagement are critical for a strong Organizational Reputation.

Reputation is a long-term word. One must have a vision of what one desires to be known for and work towards it in the good, bad, and in between times. There will be bumps, bruises, and damaged egos along the journey. Reputation is built by a demonstrated long-term body of work, personally, professionally, and organizationally!

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Achieving Balanced Workplace Performance: A Strategic, Tactical, and Innovative Approach

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the different types of performance.

As I work with individual clients, and in our group coaching formats, I have learned many spread themselves far too thin, diluting their performance personally, professionally, and organizationally. It does not have to be this way.

What do you think?  Are you performing up to par?

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