Business Tip Tuesday 🚀

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

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Ethics in Business: image of jeff rogers leading a virtual classroom

Non-Negotiables:  Ethical Behavior within your Business

Ethics bleed into all we do and wherever we do it in our lives. Understanding our individual and organizational compass is critical in leadership. As circumstances evolve and technology expands and tests our limits, what keeps our personal and corporate behaviors in check? Our ethics does that. How we behave when no one is looking is critical for success in any organization but sometimes overlooked or assumed to be a certain way. 

When building your mindset and behavioral beliefs, my question is, does your model of mindset and behavior beliefs align with the organization? If not, why? If so, how can you grow and expand it?

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The Power of Reputation Management in Small Business

Self-awareness is required in Leadership. Reputation is a prerequisite to effective Leadership. Reputation is everyone's responsibility!

It is the leader's job to ensure that Reputation is managed effectively! But make no mistakes, it is everyone's job to maintain and elevate organizational Reputation. Trust, performance, and engagement are critical for a strong Organizational Reputation.

Reputation is a long-term word. One must have a vision of what one desires to be known for and work towards it in the good, bad, and in between times. There will be bumps, bruises, and damaged egos along the journey. Reputation is built by a demonstrated long-term body of work, personally, professionally, and organizationally!

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