Business Tip Tuesday 🚀

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

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👤 Corporate Executives

Team Engagement: Dynamic Leadership Styles

We hear the word engagement used in the business context all too often of late. A buzz word no doubt, but this word is the real deal. Engagement is what makes everything else fall into place, or it doesn't. It's the point where the rubber meets the road, determining whether you'll gain traction and achieve results or end up wasting time and effort. A common question I often hear is...

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This image is showing employee engagement

Employee Engagement: The Benefits of Culture Competence !

Every great leader starts by defining the Culture of their team and organization. The Culture is determined by thinking about the organization's Mission, Vision, and values as well as why it does what it does. Sometimes, even more importantly, how it does what it does and by what rules it behaves!

Every leader must make time to do this! These behaviors determine team engagement.

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