Business Tip Tuesday 🚀

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

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Embracing Innovation: Overcoming the Intimidation Factor of Business Growth

The word innovation itself can be intimidating to many.  The word represents change, and change is something many of us do not like.  This resistance to change can be for many reasons.

As human beings, we appreciate predictability and the ability to proceed without added stress, difficulty and conflict.  We will do almost anything to avoid conflict, necessary or not.

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Team Engagement: Dynamic Leadership Styles

We hear the word engagement used in the business context all too often of late. A buzz word no doubt, but this word is the real deal. Engagement is what makes everything else fall into place, or it doesn't. It's the point where the rubber meets the road, determining whether you'll gain traction and achieve results or end up wasting time and effort. A common question I often hear is...

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The images depict innovation in the business and examples of innovation in the workplace.

Importance of Creativity and Innovation in Business

I do not know about you, but I do not like being or feeling stuck! However, I do find myself from time to time in a stagnate state. Stagnate in mindset and action. I believe this to be a function of lack of discipline and inattention to results. Or ... just being human!

From a personal standpoint, to be innovative might seem to be fake or not being yourself. But to be the same person 5 years from now does not seem too smart either.  To be authentically innovative from a personal standpoint sounds much better.

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