Business Tip Tuesday πŸš€

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

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Business Tip Tuesday πŸš€ (4)

The Power of Reputation Management in Small Business

Self-awareness is required in Leadership. Reputation is a prerequisite to effective Leadership. Reputation is everyone's responsibility!

It is the leader's job to ensure that Reputation is managed effectively! But make no mistakes, it is everyone's job to maintain and elevate organizational Reputation. Trust, performance, and engagement are critical for a strong Organizational Reputation.

Reputation is a long-term word. One must have a vision of what one desires to be known for and work towards it in the good, bad, and in between times. There will be bumps, bruises, and damaged egos along the journey. Reputation is built by a demonstrated long-term body of work, personally, professionally, and organizationally!

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Planning and Goal Setting: Your Roadmap to Success

Mastering the Art of Planning and Goal Setting: Your Roadmap to Success

Rally your team and achieve success as never before!  This is your year.

If you are anything like me, there is just not enough time in the day to get it all done.  I have determined the reason for this struggle to be FOCUS.  In our efforts to get it all done, we simply don’t get any of it done or worse yet done right.  Do you ever feel that way?  Believe it or not, your team feels that way as well.  Whether they communicate that fact or not, they too are distracted and overwhelmed at times.

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Achieving Balanced Workplace Performance: A Strategic, Tactical, and Innovative Approach

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the different types of performance.

As I work with individual clients, and in our group coaching formats, I have learned many spread themselves far too thin, diluting their performance personally, professionally, and organizationally. It does not have to be this way.

What do you think?  Are you performing up to par?

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Succession Planning - a photo of the full JRCI team

Succession Planning: Finding the Right Person to Lead

Succession in leadership takes time and is critical for successβ€”a goal for every organization, especially a family business. Leadership is not for everyone and not a birthright either. When considering succession, whether in a family business or not, certain qualities must be considered for success.

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Jeff Rogers & Janese Fayson

Prioritization: Unveiling the Key to Distinguish What Matters Most [College Edition]

Hi, I’m Janese! I’m a student at Syracuse University and have been an intern for Jeff Rogers for the past several months now, and let me tell you, it’s been nothing short of exciting! I’ve gotten the chance to delve into topics like engagement, blindspots, learn about all the leadership development series offerings, and above all, be super hands-on with the JRCI team!

Although this is different from the Business Tip Tuesdays that you've come to expect each week, today’s article (written by me!) is still aimed to share a valuable perspective of what I've been able to learn from the Jeff Rogers Coach team about prioritization!

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business team maximizing their potential together

Maximizing Business Resources: The Key to Success

To set effective goals, business leaders must have a handle on their Traditional business resources. Business resources include human, financial, and physical resources. A resource can be identified as anything required to achieve a business goal. Understanding how you utilize these resources directly affects organizational performance, production, engagement, and profitability.

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